We define ourselves by someone's glasses

2 min readMar 15, 2024


I used to crave attention and cared too much about others’ opinions. So I applied my make-up carefully to make a good impression on them.

We used to care too much about how society judged us.

For instance, when you try to enjoy a slow-paced lifestyle, some strangers might say, “Oh my God, you’re too young. You’ll regret it when you’re older.” Or when you take the CPNS, Civil Service exam for the third time, your friends ask, “Aren’t you tired? What if you fail again this time?”

Or when you’re having a blast playing games at Timezone, sitting in one of the car games, playing the shotgun, or dancing to the beat on Danz Base, and when you upload it on Instagram, and one of your followers comments, “You’re too old for this, haha!”

All these comments can be discouraging and drain your energy. Light of the spirit in you, turn down your shine.

So, for the next day, you are just a human, who sits in the cafe, taking a picture of your coffee, or books on your reading list, and updates your picture with your bestie with the very normal routine and very normal poses. The aesthetic is what your current Instagram feeds.

You are a boring person.

But that is what society called a grown man.

Oh! look at your Twitter, you are too afraid to write down your opinion about the controversy of the election or tweet a thirsty tweet about your idol, your current timeline is full of retweets to the safe tweet, what is contra opinion nowadays? you are a grown man, you should watch your language.

What is the free emotional-based decision? You are a full-minded person now.

All of those stories can be turned upside down if you were once too calm and stable, and one day someone comes into your life full of energy and whispers in your ear, 'Oh my god, you're a boring person.

so the next day, you write your opinion, you force yourself to go to the extreme park to satisfy your followers, and late at night, your energy is drained, and you cry, wondering what’s something off.

Reflecting on people’s words will never end, your actions will always feel wrong, you will doubt your own decisions many times, worry about unnecessary things, in the end you will go nowhere.

You will not enjoy your life, which is the worst nightmare.

I believe that everyone has different goals, interests, and passions, and that is what we call unique, and differentiates one from another. You shouldn’t let other people’s opinions get in the way of doing what you love, and who you are.

So fck what people say.
Create your own story, with your own signature.




Jahe anget dikasi lemon dan madu, enak! Basically I am just writing, to get to know my ownself better.